Protein Science Facility

Protein Science Facility (PSF), certified ISO 9001, provides access to a wide range of services and expertise related to protein engineering. The diversity of equipment and methodologies offered allows non-specialized teams to develop new experimental strategies for the functional studies of their proteins of interest, in preparative biochemistry, structural biology and proteomics.

PSF is open to academic or private laboratories, and is made up of 3 poles dedicated to:

- Recombinant protein production and peptide synthesis: the support of a protein production project can be done from the recombinant plasmid, purification by chromatography on AKTA PURE system

- Proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry: analytical protocols centered on the identification, the characterization of post-translational modifications and the differential quantification of proteins

- Characterization of proteins by biophysical and structural approaches (DLS, SEC MALS, CD)

Depending structure : SFR Biosciences
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7 passage du vercors
69367 Lyon

Contact Task Facility Manager (TFM)


Depending structure

SFR Biosciences

50 Avenue Tony Garnier
Cedex 07
69366 Lyon
04 37 28 76 55

infos : Website

The SFR Biosciences (UMS3444/US8) provides biologists, the academic community and industry a shared pool of resources and technical core facilities specialized in four areas of expertise. These core facilities participate in projects funded at national level.

The SFR Biosciences is a Service unit that develops a strong science and technology policy for the research centers of the Charles Mérieux campus in the field of biological sciences. Today this federative structure brings together researchers from 8 contributing centers dedicated to research in the following major fields of biology: Infectious diseases, Cell biology, Plant biology, Protein biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Structural biology, Molecular evolution, Genomics, Immunology, Microbiology.

The main objective of SFR Biosciences is to develop, in close cooperation with the contributing research center in Lyon, highly efficient technological core facilities for the entire scientific

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